
The primary game bred at the preserve is the fallow deer (Dama dama L.). The fallow deer population is standardized at 206 animals.

Every year, fallow deer age class III produce consistent point values over 200 CIC points (4.5 kg of antler weight). Fallow deer antlers are characterized by large points and mass. The shape of the shovels can be shorter and more massive with so-called Březka hooks, or long shovels, highly sought for their high point values.

For the development of point values, see History of the Březka Game Preserve.

For more information about hunting packages, please use the information on the Contacts page. The price list can be downloaded here.

The pond system consists of three ponds, 0.2–0.6 hectares each. The ponds are predominately home to carp and grass carp weighing more than 10 kg. The most common predator here is pike, often longer than 80 cm.

For those interested, there are also fishing stations with the opportunity to use the resources of the game preserve. For these occasions, fishermen can buy short-term or long-term permits during the season.

Many other animals thrive in the ponds’ vicinity, such as kingfishers, herons, ducks, and pochards. Often the ponds are visited by otters and white-tailed eagles. The shore vegetation of the ponds are also attractive to amphibians, snakes, and other domestic fauna.

For more information about sport fishing opportunities, please use the Contacts page.

There are three rooms with a total capacity of 13 beds, including bathroom facilities.

For social events, visitors can enjoy the use of the community room with a fireplace and a capacity for about 25 people. There is also a kitchenette attached to the community room.

In good weather, the adjacent grounds are a lovely outdoor area with pleasant seating under mature horse chestnut trees for events for up to 100 people.

For more information about booking private events or accommodations, please visit the Contacts page.

The staff of the Březka Game Preserve and the Forestry and Game Management Research Institute include ornithologists and zoologists, as well as leaders of hunting clubs, forest educators, and other environmental lecturers. We can prepare tailor-made programs for you according to your group’s requirements.

For more information about environmental programs or other educational activities, please visit the Contacts page.

In the Březka Game Preserve, firewood of various types and hardness can be purchased. You can buy softwood (spruce, alder, linden, poplar, or birch) and hardwood (oak, beech, hornbeam, or chestnut).

We can transport the timber from the removal point in the Březka Game Preserve. The firewood is stored at full length. The delivery of firewood can also be arranged in advance.

The firewood price list can be downloaded here.